Monday 23 April 2012

A Healthier New Start

Hello :-)

My name is Lindsay and I'm a student nurse from South London. I'm also fat. There, I said it, fat fat fat! I guess admitting the problem is the first step to solving it. I joined Slimming World a few months ago and I've been on and off, it's a great programme but getting out of old habits is tough, so far I've lost a stone and a half but then I came back from holiday and realised I'd put 9lbs of that loss back on. OK, I admit I was on an all inclusive holiday with unlimited food, fizzy drinks and alcohol. I enjoy the Slimming World plan (it changes what I eat rather than how much - I love food, can't get away from it!) so I'm going back on to it. This time though, I'm keeping a blog on my progress, putting it out in public. Nobody wants to have to admit failure publicly. I'm also hoping I can make it fun too!
Exercise wise, I took up karate in October 2011 and have achieved my yellow belt since then, I also have a gym membership, I also want to find other fun ways to lose weight. I think the biggest challenge will be beating that mental tiredness I get after a day of work and instead of sitting on the couch and chilling, I need to get my arse moving.

My aim is to lose a total of 6st (84lbs) from my current weight and get to a healthy BMI. If I'm being honest, 6st seems a bit daunting, I can't even imagine what I'd look like weighing 6st less. To make it less daunting I'm going to do it in 3 stages and focus on losing 2st at a time.

Food Diary:
Breakfast: "skinny"fry up (yup, it's possible) using fry light, quorn sausages, egg & reduced salt/sugar baked beans. Banana.
Lunch: Cous Cous, Leafy salad, cucumber, pepper, plum tomato, turkey. Grapes & Strawberries. Mullerlight fat free yoghurt.
Snack: Fat free yoghurt.
Dinner: Stir fry (using fry light), chicken, veg, egg noodles & black bean sauce.
Drinks: Low calorie squash & diet coke.
Total Slimming World Syns: 2 (I'm allowed 10 syns)

Lindsay xx